You are right does go on
This year SMES had a Spring Expo
Calista was very excited about this and decided to do a science project
Mr. Smitty and his blue-eyed scientist decided to make a shake light
Do you know what is inside a shake light???
Well, apparently there are VERY strong magnets in shake lights
While building said science project, the little blue-eyed scientist forgot about the SEVERAL times her father and I warned her to please keep the magnets away from the laptop......
One minute we were coiling magnetic copper wire around a tube
The next minute our girl said, "Mom, you are so right, the laptop does have a magnetic pull."
Oh yes I just said that.......
Cali learned that when we say something she needs to listen
I learned to start backing up my pictures every week maybe?
A year and a half worth of pics G-O-N-E......
She did have fun with her Daddy making it.....
She did have fun with her Daddy making it.....
She did win 2nd place (she could have won 100th and we would've been proud)......
She has those big blue eyes......oh the eyes.....
I am blogging on a Commodore 64
Okay, so that statement is a little dramatic
Let's just say this laptop, not as nice as the one with the "magnetic pull"
She actually entered two projects....the other one was a class project about recycling
(no magnets needed for that one) my magnetic project :)
We were also lucky enough to hear the amazing SMES choir sing their hearts out
I love to hear kids sing, it makes every part of my soul smile
Here are some of our favorite choir members hanging out before the show
4th Grade is almost over....
Our girl has 1 good foot and soon to have 2
The summer is coming
This means our girl will swim her heart out
Lala how the life goes on...
And if you want some fun...take Ob-la-di-bla-da
True Dat, Ringo.....True Dat!
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