Wowza, 2010 has left the building.
What a year
We have learned a million and one things over the past year
We loved each other
We lost loved ones
We had some fantabulous times
Fo Shiznet
2010, meant 10 years for everything
Being a Mama to a 10 year old and a wife to the best man in the world
I think I may just be a grown-up now
A grown-up that has her heart open and ready to learn new things everyday
Our Christmas was an amazing one
We had some hard core angles guiding our way this year
We found out Tree, Betsey amongst HUGE trees twice her size
I was the one that spotted her
James is normally the one to find trees, turkeys, and anything else not directly in front of my face
I felt like I won at a game as I yelled
"I see her, that is our tree!!!"
I bolted across the tree lot, thank goodness I didn't fall because I do that a lot
Our lovely puppy Sookie Loretta likes to take things outside so
We have had to get tiny baby trees for the past two years
We have had to get tiny baby trees for the past two years
This year we decided to go a little bit bigger
Betsey was still small enough to be placed on a table if Sookie tried any shenanigans
Pretty little lady, right?
Okay so maybe he didn't have to pick her up to put the Angel on Betsey
It is a Smitty tradition
Sookie girl did amazing, maybe next year we can get a full size tree!
We celebrated with my family on Christmas Eve
Super fun, cousins running everywhere
Excited beyond belief Santa was coming
Girls playing pranks on the boys
Boys trying hard to out do their efforts
We loved being with the Crespin's, Pallozzi's, and Chalker's
We stayed in town for New Year's Eve
Celebrated Smitty style at James' bro's house
It was freeeeeeeeezing outside so by the fire pit we stayed
There were fireworks and PBR
What more could you want for the end of the year?
This afternoon we woke up to a whole new year
Poor James was nursing a hang over, an awful cold,
A severely burnt thumb
It turns out if your daughter gets scared of a sparkler
It is not a good idea to catch it once she throws it in your direction
Hero is what he is
It is a Smitty tradition to go see a movie on New Year's Day
True Grit it was
But first, the first linner (lunch and/or dinner) of 2011
We have the first pictures of the New Year
True Grit we go
Orange hair??? Whateva
MMMMM.....Milk Duds!!
Maybe bangs in 2011?
Maybe not, I may look like a poodle
Madonna circa 1986
Cali and I had some modeling that had to be done on the way to the car
Now, let's examine this picture
Calista looks like a true beauty
We decided I looked like I was sitting on the potty
The first Smitty Dance Off of 2011 took place when we arrived home at Fort Smitty
The last dance off was on New Year's Eve
I do not have to vacuum the floor tomorrow because I won
Sorry Cali girl!
While Cali and I were shaking what our Mama's gave us
James was multi-tasking.....
Snuggling with Meow Meow...see his ears
Playing fetch with Sookie
Off to a wonderful 2011
What are we doing right now?
Snuggling in bed with the puppy girls and brother kitty
Watching Dog the Bounty Hunter
(Cali's choice)
Before we go how about a flash back.....
New Year's Day 2010
New Year's Day 2011
Some things never change!
Happy New Year Friends!
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