Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Brag Book / Wardrobe Malfunction

Tomorrow is the last day of 4th Grade
OH what a year!
Yesterday was the 4th Grade Awards Ceremony
We have a lot to brag about.....our girl is
She is a Scholar (and has been since kindergarten)
Oh what is a Scholar you ask?
This means STRAIGHT A's for the entire year
In her case for her ENTIRE 10 years
She was also awarded the Leadership Award
(it seems her bossiness/helpfulness/Mama Bear skills pay off,
for the record I always knew they would
and for another record she has been awarded this award since kinder as well).
She was also recognized for her Mathematician, Writing, and Choir skills
That girl came from MY loins!
I now digress.

The morning of the awards started out with a slight mishap....
My fashionista of a daughter was more than upset that she had to wear her sneakers with her dress
 "MOOOOOOOOOM, I look like such a DORK!!!"
She of course said this while she threw herself onto my bed
(Don't worry, I am sure she will thank me in her Oscar speech one day)
She got over it pretty quickly when she realized her poor little foot hurt really badly
Sneakers won over her heart
She decided to then compliment my mad flower bedazzling skills
I made her a flower for the back of her dress
To cover up the safety pins holding her dress in place
Why didn't I sew it you ask?
I know my daughter, she is going to want to wear this dress for the next 2 years
Girl grows A LOT!
Safety pins and fancy flower it was

Nana and I arrived at SMES 30 minutes before the show began
We always do, by we I mean me
We have to get the best seat, by we I mean me
Mr. Smitty sadly couldn't attend
He was on stand-by through Google Chat, getting the play by play
We had a lovely time talking to two of my favorite SMES Mama's
Raylyn and Maria
They also like to arrive early
When we were able to go inside it wasn't long before Cali and her personal chaperon Austin walked in before the rest of the class
Since her surgery, Austin has been her trusty steed
Pushing her wheelchair for her
Carrying her backpack when she had her crutches
Walking with her when she had her cast boot
Just keeping her company now that she can wear both shoes

As soon as she saw us she came straight over for a hug
Instantly making my heart leap inside my chest
Wardrobe Malfunction
The zipper on the side of her dress decided to split.......
ALL the way down
You could see everything including her unmentionables
We both looked at each other and giggled
Ran to the restroom
I whipped out the safety pins from the back of her dress
All the while we were giggling
I got the full story how the restroom we were in was the famous
Haunted restroom of SMES
Bloody Mary apparently haunts the stalls
When we got back into the gym everybody was already seated
No room for Cali girl
So, she got to sit by the parents, right smack in the middle
She loved it and for the record so did I
There was only one small problem....
The walk to the front of the gym was really far from where we were sitting
Poor little Frankenfoot sucked it up and made it to the front for every award
That's my girl

So, this pretty much sums up this year.....crap happened
We giggled, hobbled, and made our way through
Smitty Style

Here are some pictures...
Please don't mind the progression of sauciness from my girl
{Giggle, Giggle, Giggle}

Then she whips this out of her pocket

Oh Snap
There she goes again.....

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

OB-LA-DI........... OB-LA-DA

You are right does go on
This year SMES had a Spring Expo
Calista was very excited about this and decided to do a science project
Mr. Smitty and his blue-eyed scientist decided to make a shake light
Do you know what is inside a shake light???
Well, apparently there are VERY strong magnets in shake lights
While building said science project, the little blue-eyed scientist forgot about the SEVERAL times her father and I warned her to please keep the magnets away from the laptop......
One minute we were coiling magnetic copper wire around a tube
The next minute our girl said, "Mom, you are so right, the laptop does have a magnetic pull."
Oh yes I just said that.......
Cali learned that when we say something she needs to listen
I learned to start backing up my pictures every week maybe?
A year and a half worth of pics G-O-N-E......
She did have fun with her Daddy making it.....
She did win 2nd place (she could have won 100th and we would've been proud)......
She has those big blue eyes......oh the eyes.....
I am blogging on a Commodore 64
Okay, so that statement is a little dramatic
Let's just say this laptop, not as nice as the one with the "magnetic pull"
She actually entered two projects....the other one was a class project about recycling
(no magnets needed for that one) my magnetic project :)

We were also lucky enough to hear the amazing SMES choir sing their hearts out
I love to hear kids sing, it makes every part of my soul smile
Here are some of our favorite choir members hanging out before the show

4th Grade is almost over....
Our girl has 1 good foot and soon to have 2
The summer is coming
This means our girl will swim her heart out

Lala how the life goes on...
And if you want some fun...take Ob-la-di-bla-da

True Dat, Ringo.....True Dat!