Thursday, August 26, 2010

Holy Cow

Karve was amazing
So amazing in fact I am sore in places I never knew I had
I did not make ALL of my dreams come true 
By pretending to be in a beautiful ballet production
I couldn't,
I was too busy concentrating on doing the moves correctly
If you don't do the moves correctly, the very friendly instructors come correct you
I felt like I was a bad child in time out when they would come tell me to tuck my pelvis down
I loved it
I loved that I knew people there
Maria and Jennifer, you two rocked it
We will be going back
Speaking of normal sore Scoliosis back
Is pretty much pain FREE
I can not believe it, one class and it feels better
Now every other part of my I never knew I had hurt like a Mother
Did I already mention that?
There was a ballet barre.......

P.S. are coming lady!  Can't wait for Saturday :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Truth be told......

I have always wanted to be a ballernina
From the time I was a little girl, my sister and I would dance to the Christmas Symphony and pretend we were on stage in a beautiful production
When I worked at Little Prospector I would have the children line up, clear a path and I would do a running jumping split in the air 
Which I am sure looked much better in my head than it actually looked in person
The kids still clapped, that is all that mattered
Anytime a slow song comes on....I still break out my ballerina skills
Truth be told.....
I am not very graceful
I fall A LOT, I mean at least once a week
Some of the memorable times are:
I fell into a bush while picking up Calista and Hannah at school.  After I picked myself up in front of all the other parents and pretended it didn't happen, I hear this.....
Hannah said, "Jasmin, did you just see that lady fall?"
Calista said, "Hannah, that was my Mom, she does it all the time."
OR the time I fell in Outback Steakhouse and took Calista down with me....
OR the time I fell at the mall walking out of Eye Masters
OR the time I fell after James threw a ball on the roof which somehow came down on my head knocked me to the ground and chipped my tooth
OR the time I fell in the rain while dancing with Calista
OR the time I fell trying to help Cassie put together the swing I brought over for Mason....
There are many more instances, but I think I should just stop there.
When I had Calista, I thought...well sure I am not a ballerina BUT I can MAKE my daughter one
Truth be told.....
It didn't work out, she prefers to swim instead
Don't worry, I am sure my dreams of her becoming a Rocket Scientist/Brain Surgeon are sure to come true.
Today, I am going to Karve
Have you heard of it?
Kelly Ripa does it, so it must be cool
It is a work-out that includes a ballet bar......
I am VERY excited
All of my dreams are coming true
In my head while working out I am going to pretend I am practicing for a beautiful production
Maria will be with me, so when I fall (because I am sure I will) I will have somebody there to laugh at me, that actually KNOWS me
Wish us luck.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Captain Obvious

This is to all of the Captain Obvious' out there (and I know there are many because they ALL seem to talk to me when I am out and about OR I work with them)
To you all...
Let me just clarify some things for you
Then you can stop making obvious statements
YES, I know I am tall
YES, I do know I don't HAVE to wear heals because I am "tall enough"
NO, I will NOT stop wearing them to accommodate you and your insecurities of being short
YES, I know I am skinny, however 
NO I do NOT need a burger and fries, I eat plenty probably more than you, Sir Obvious
NO, I do NOT need to "put some meat on my bones"
YES, it is extremely hard finding jeans/pants in 37.5-38" inseam, thank you for asking
NO, I don't play the piano, but thank you for pointing out my fingers are REALLY long and skinny
YES, I do know my wrists have bones sticking out of them 
YES, I do know it is weird that I am so bendy and I can bend my thumb back to my wrist
YES, I know my feet are REALLY narrow and they look like skis 
YES, that is a scar on my chest from open heart surgery
Don't try to pretend you are looking at my ta ta's
I know you know that I know what you are REALLY looking at
NO, I am not going to have any more children
I know I respond by saying "I stopped at perfection."
Truth is, I am NOT suppose to have anymore
Thank you for pointing out I have just the one
Thank goodness she is perfection
NO, I don't play basketball, besides the fact that I am not very sporty......if I get hit in the chest with said ball my aorta would dissect and that would be bad.
YES, I know my daughter is VERY tall for her age
NO, you do not need to point it out to her, don't you think that she is self conscience enough about it????
YES, I will punch you in the nose if you mention her being tall again
Do you know who else is tall, besides me?
Her father, who is built like a line-backer and has a punch like Mike  Tyson, back off Obvious!
YES, I do have one more thing to say to you
This is what the Smitty's think of you, Captain!

This is to YOU Chromosome 15 and your mutation
My daughter and I will rock our mutated chromosomes and all the things that come with it
Marfan Mama  has left the building

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Oh what a night.....

It was one of those kind of nights
You know the kind that you want to scoop up and put in your pocket
The cherry on top of life, is what it was
It was a night about nothing that turned into something
3 car rides for our puppy girls
Starbucks, DQ, AND on a mission to save Raylyn's head
6 loads of laundry
Yummy turkey, cucumber, tomato, feta, mozzarella, and sour cream pitas for dinner
To top it all off braids ala' Cali Girl
My hair is to play with and easy to comb
Nice, RIGHT???
When you comb my curly hair you get this
HOT Right????
A pedi for Mama, pink with yellow stripes
Karate Kid I (the best movie ever)
All while snuggling and falling asleep holding hands
A night of nothing turned into something
Cheers to that!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

4th Grade and Special Souls

4th Grade has begun
We have been blessed with an AMAZING teacher
Yet again
I have been thinking a lot about teachers lately
Random Thoughts 
All day long
Being a Mom is the hardest job in the world
Letting go of your little babe to go off to school is even harder
I believe you need to be close to the ones who teach your children
I believe those who teach are special souls
My heart rests a bit when I love and trust the one my little is with all day
What would we do without these special souls?
Ponder, ponder, ponder....
We were lucky enough to have lunch with 
Ms. Michael
Calista's First Grade Teacher
The day before 4th grade began
We loved her then and maybe love her more now
Ms. Michael is a special kind of lady
She looks like she could be on the cover of
Sports Illustrated Swim Suit Edition
She decided to teach
She is one of those special souls
Cali the Cat and Ms. Michael 2007
Having lunch with Ms. Michael was great
Watching Calista's blue eyes light up as she talked to her
Like she was her best friend
Well that was just fabulous
I didn't make them pose for a picture
I will have that "mental picture" stored in the 
"Vault" (aka my head)
I love it.
I do have a picture of Calista before lunch began
She wanted to wear her Christmas Couture Dress
She wants to wear this dress
Everywhere we go 
I normally say 
"No honey not this time."
"Aunt Cassie picked it out, why not Mom?"
Aunt Cassie (who is another special soul)
Will receive payback when Madee
Is a tween
I gave in to my Blue-Eyed Girl
I choose to pick my battles.
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Having lunch made me
Ponder, ponder, ponder
Yet again....
I thought about MY first grade teacher
Ms. Wells
OHHHH Ms. Wells
You are the reason I wanted to be a teacher
Ms. Wells taught at SMES up until this year
She still made me feel special even in my 30's
One time at a Science Fair while I was there as a parent
She made me feel like the
Homecoming Queen
She brought me around to all of the other teachers
To inform them I was her favorite student and look at me now
Look at how wonderful I turned out,
Look at MY amazing daughter
Oh Ms. Wells
Special Special Soul
I am lucky enough to still see some of my favs when I pick up Cali everyday
Mr. Thorpe, Mrs. Turner, and on occasion one of my favorite favorite favs, Mama Henry
I still remember most of the things you taught me
Mostly, I remember how you treated me
While all the kids were making fun of my chicken legs
YOU encouraged me and made me feel like a million bucks
You know when you see your teacher outside of school and you can't believe they shop for food?
Go out to eat?
You also feel that way when they pass away.....
These special souls they are immortal.....
Mr. Belcher one of my favorite Jr. High teachers recently made his way to the other side
He was amazing to say the least
I mean who wants to hang out with stinky 7th and 8th graders all day
A Special Soul
One of my favorite memories of Mr. Belcher was this.....
I was not the most popular of the ladies in Jr. High to say the least
I was pretty smart
One young man who shall remain nameless liked to take advantage of my brain
He would copy off of every one of my math tests in Belcher's class
Nameless also liked to point out I had no boobs, chicken legs, mushroom hair, and weird glasses
One day I decided I was "Mad as H-E-Double Hockey Sticks and I wasn't going to take it anymore!"
I wrote EVERY answer wrong on our end of the week test knowing he was going to copy me
Muahahahahahah I got him
He turned his test in and I quickly changed  all of my answers to the correct ones
On Monday when Mr. Belcher passed our tests back, I had 100%
Nameless had a 0%
As Mr. Belcher handed me my test he winked and said
"Good job, Skipper."
I knew he knew what I did and I liked it!
There is a special soul in this picture
Angie, Mr. Sill, Me, and Jodie; Sophmore Year
This picture makes me smile from ear to ear
You know the kind of smile that makes your cheeks hurt
Mr. Sill was one of a kind
He defined the teacher who everybody was scared of
We all loved
There are too many stories to tell about Mr. Sill
Too many stories that make me smile
He wasn't what most people thought about him
He was an angel, even though he wanted everybody to believe he was the Lucifer
My Senior Year I had open heart surgery
I didn't want anybody to feel sorry for me, so I didn't make a big deal about it
My close friends knew and were with me
Cassie, Jenny, James, and my family
The first day I came back after said surgery
Mr. Sill saw me, hooked elbows with me and said
"Walk with me young lady."
So I did, I walked with him all the way to his classroom
Even though my next class was accross the campus
I wasn't feeling all that well.....heart surgery and all
He told me he had heard I had work done on my "ticker"
He said he thought about me daily and was glad I was back
He also told me to give them H-E-Double Hockey Sticks
Mr. Sill retired the year we graduated
He passed away a short time later
My ticker hurt that day
All of these random thoughts about special souls
I don't think I can portray in a Blog how much teachers have made a difference in my life
I hope they do the same for my girl
I have many friends that are teachers
I think they are all amazing
I believe there is a special place in Heaven for them
I also believe this year, this 4th grade year.....
Well this is going to be one grandiose year!
I mean how can you look this gorgeous on your first day without having a grandiose year?