Friday, January 15, 2010

Don't Stop Believing.....

Hold on to that feelin'.....
The feelin' of singing as LOUD as you can with good friends in the car, into your thumb and/or lip gloss microphone.
We are grand singers, to such songs as:
Don't Stop Believing
Gold Digger
Bust The Move
Bust the Windows
Hate on Me
Somebody to Love
Keep Holding On

This seems to happen every time Calista and I are in a car with Raylyn, Hannah, and Hailee.
It makes us all so happy, we never want it to end.
We have also mastered other songs/artists/CD's such as:
If I Were a Boy
Single Ladies
The ENTIRE Best of Abba CD
The ENTIRE Foundation CD
Old School Britney
Lady GaGa
The Black Eyed Peas
Cyndie Lauper

The list could go on and on and on and on and on!
It is a fabulous feeling to have friends that you may not see everyday, but when you is like you were never away from each other.
Calista and I always have a great time when we are in the company of these special ladies.
Raylyn and I often feel like kids when we are with our girlies, and we do semi-embarrassing things such as these:

On VERY rare occasions, we get to hang out without our girls.....and we do semi-embarrassing things such as these:

Our girls have a lot of other friends BUT they will always be partners in crime just as their Mamas....

We love you ladies, thank you for every good time we have EVER had over the years.

I do want to say a few special Thank You's to Raylyn:
-Thank you for not judging me for having to be an hour early to the movies.
-Thank you for being addicted to Starbucks just as much as I am....and supporting my habit.
-Thank you for talking to me for 2 miles straight and understanding that I ALWAYS have to have the girls in my sight or I may have a nervous breakdown.
-Thank you for helping me stay calm on LONG car rides (you know what I am talking about).
-Thank you for laughing at silly things with me until we are both in tears.
-Thank you for driving on the freeways and doing Chinese Fire Drills to get into the drivers seat.
-Thank you for not being afraid to get on the stage and play the snare and/or cow bell with me.
-Thank you for dancing to every song with me, even when you want to die.
Although we no longer have pancake memories, I love your head.

Because of our fabulous friends, Calista and I will NEVER
Stop Believing in good times and how amazing we sound singing in the car.

Kisses and Hugs
Mama and her Blue-Eyed Girl


  1. I love you sooooo much and I'm crying. You and Cali are such a big part of our lives and I'm so thankful to have you. Xoxoxo

  2. I love you too! What would we do without choir practice in the car :) we are very thankful as well that we have you guys too, sister xoxoxo
