Monday, September 5, 2011

You Know

You know when you hear a really amazing song and you can't help but dance?
This is how I feel about my family and my friends (most of whom I consider family).
Every member a different genre of music.
We had a fantabulous weekend....we danced the whole way through, it was great song.
It was the kind of song that you can't get out of your head and you push repeat to hear it over and over.
The kind of song that when you hear it the first time and you say, "This song is soooo me!"
These songs are the ones that you drive around the block as many times as you have to just to hear every word.

The kind of dance that you really don't care who is watching or what the crap they think.
After you finish the dance you think, "Damn, I have dance moves James Brown would be envious of."
The moves that you break out are moves you have never done before and may never do again
(but they were so worth it, even if you twisted your ankle and swear you may have broken a hip bone)...
You think of names for these moves like the Vanilla Thrilla or the Funky Weinerstichel and only those present at the dance session understand the true meaning of these names.
The bystanders watching the Funky Weinerstitchel, say,
"Those people have got to be wasted."
These are the dances you remember and talk about all the time....
"Hey, don't you remember when you did the Vanilla Thrilla that one time at the one were on FIRE!"
You know......

There was movies, fondue, t-shirt recon, ice skating, and my stomach hurts from laughing.

Can we just talk about the movie The Help.....we laughed, we cried.....we can't stop talking about it. 
Go see it now.
I went to see it with my two favorite baby and my mama.

Fondue you say??  Impromptu date with the man of my dreams.....
oh yes.
Go to the Melting Pot now.
We laughed and cried from laughing so hard and swore it was our favorite date. 
(did I mention that they take a picture of every table before they partake in the melting of the pot)?

Did somebody say ice skating???
Maybe it was me, we did it today for the first time.
We ran into our favorite Canadians at the rink....good timing, eh! 
We are great at it (by we I mean Cali and myself).
By great I mean we didn't break a bone.
Have I ever mentioned how much I love my Jamesie?
Have I ever mentioned how he is great at every single thing he tries.
Have I ever mentioned I am not sporty?
I think it might have been "Opposite Day" as the kids on the playground would say.
My poor poor husband.....he couldn't skate if his life depended on it.
Do you remember that scene in Titanic where the boat is sinking and everybody is trying to run to the opposite side of the ship and they are holding on to the side for dear life?
They are scared and tense and know they are going down on this sinking ship....
Well, okay then, if you can picture that scene, you know what my very hot stud of a husband looked like skating on ice.

Only, there was no screams of terror....there was laughing so hard, I almost peed my pants, please don't judge me.
I love him for being a good sport......but he just wasn't very good at THAT sport!
Before the ice....look at our form spectacular right?

Making his way around the rink for the first and only time.
I love him.
He is amazing at this.

Cali Girl
You know, the girl who was in a wheel chair 4 months ago
She was great, it took her a couple of laps to gain her confidence
When sister got it out Yamaguchi!
I would like everybody who is reading this to know I didn't fall.
This is a BIG deal, seriously a BIG deal
I normally trip on air
Please mark this day on your calendar

I do believe we danced on the tables and maybe even a pole this weekend.
(no dirty pun intended)

Friday, August 5, 2011


Maybe, you just want to play hookie and go play with your Mama and your blue-eyed babe
Maybe, you really don't like to break the rules so you really take a vacation day instead of playing hookie
(but hookie sounds cooler)
Maybe you surprise the pants off of your favorite 10 year old and take her to Big Surf
Maybe you just want your Mama to be around you all the you take her with you
Maybe we did that on Wednesday
We had fun.....we got sunburnt.....we were in the scorching hot fireball sun for 8 hours
Maybe you don't care that you can't wear a bra because the thought of anything but aloe touching your back makes you want to vomit
Maybe it was worth it

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Portland Oregon & Chromosome 15

My blue-eyed babe and I just returned from Portland, Oregon
We loved it there
We left on July 15, 2011.....Mr. Smitty and my 11th wedding anniversary
Don't worry....he is stuck with me forever so we will have many more to celebrate
Why did we go to this lovely land of green?
Chromosome 15
Ours happens to be "mutated"
We have Marfan Syndrome
Cali and I went to meet some Marfan peeps and share some love
We did what we set out to do
My lovely little blue-eyed dolphin met friends I am sure she will have forever.
I met Mamas who share the same fears, frustrations, and happiness I do
A Marfan community who understand what it is like "to be me" if you will
It was great to walk into the hotel, and have it feel like home
Cali got to experience the Oregon Zoo & OMSI with her instant BFF's
I was able to listen to world renowned Dr.'s and share experiences with my peeps
I am really shy so next time I hope to meet even more lovely friends
When Calista and I weren't hanging out and learning all about our mutated chromosome's....
We got to explore Oregon
While I didn't take pictures inside the conference (I didn't want people to think I was a stalker)
I made up for it by taking over 400 pictures exploring Oregon....don't worry I won't post them all




We love you Oregon.....
I love my girl and her Chromosome 15, mutated or not....