We loved it there
We left on July 15, 2011.....Mr. Smitty and my 11th wedding anniversary
Don't worry....he is stuck with me forever so we will have many more to celebrate
Why did we go to this lovely land of green?
Chromosome 15
Ours happens to be "mutated"
We have Marfan Syndrome
Cali and I went to meet some Marfan peeps and share some love
We did what we set out to do
My lovely little blue-eyed dolphin met friends I am sure she will have forever.
I met Mamas who share the same fears, frustrations, and happiness I do
A Marfan community who understand what it is like "to be me" if you will
It was great to walk into the hotel, and have it feel like home
Cali got to experience the Oregon Zoo & OMSI with her instant BFF's
I was able to listen to world renowned Dr.'s and share experiences with my peeps
I am really shy so next time I hope to meet even more lovely friends
When Calista and I weren't hanging out and learning all about our mutated chromosome's....
We got to explore Oregon
While I didn't take pictures inside the conference (I didn't want people to think I was a stalker)
I made up for it by taking over 400 pictures exploring Oregon....don't worry I won't post them all
We love you Oregon.....
I love my girl and her Chromosome 15, mutated or not....