Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Life's an hourglass......

She is growing up........time is slipping through my fingers
Today she woke up and it was the second day she was
I can't believe it
I remember every second of bringing her home from the hospital
Years ago.......
Yesterday we celebrated
Celebrated and prayed she wouldn't grow up too fast
Nana and I took her on a hike at Riparian Water Reserve was suppose to be a "release mission"
You see, my Mama (aka Nana) seems to save animals
Lately she has saved two water turtles and one box turtle (found in her pool)
She has had the water turtles for about a year
They started out very sickly and small
Apparently she cured them
The big guy is now HUGE, about the size of a salad plate
Our plan was to release him into a lake at the reserve
Where he would be happy to swim about
The plan was foiled by a VERY sad 10 year old who couldn't bear to let him go
Professed her love to him
We still decided to go to the Water Reserve to take a little hike
It was lovely
Before we left we chowed down on some amazing treats
Cake Pops, Carrot Cupcakes, and Fraps for breakfast
(it is a tradition in the Smitty house to have an unhealthy breakfast on birthdays)
Here is the pictures:
I am pretty sure the breakfast of sugar caused the look(s) on Cali's face

After the meltdown......."But I do love him, I do."

I do love candid shots....BUT these posed pictures may be some of my favorites

We watched these geese from afar, but when they heard our voices they wanted to be friends.  I stayed CALM, it was Calista that freaked out a bit.

Fabulous little hike....even if the catch and release program didn't work out so well.

We were off to lunch....the Birthday Girl was NOT very happy about this situation.

I forgot...about the presents
She received an XL DSI among other things
We opened her presents with Daddy on Speaker Phone
I snapped these photos for him to see the excitement

Wait for it.....
Jumping up and down excited

Happy girl....

While I got ready my girls did this...

To end the day
After visiting GG (Great Grammy)
I cooked by request of the Birthday Girl
Pork Chops, Caprese Salad, Homemade Garlic Bread, Grapes,
A Chocolate Cake

Perfect in every way....
Even when....
There was a meltdown about the release of a turtle
There was freaking out about geese maybe trying to attack us
There was embarrassment and pouting about the nice people of Serrano's singing Happy Birthday
Coming home to Sookie eating my windshield wipers that were on the counter, waiting to be installed on my car
Today, the grounding of a 10 year old
You see....even good 10 year olds get sassy sometimes
Even nice Mamas have to ground said 10 year olds when the sass comes out
The XL DSI can wait tonight.....
I had to put my girl in check
You know what she is doing right now?
She is wearing a flower princess headband with cascading ribbons,
Her favorite tutu from Aunt Cassie,
A dolphin t-shirt that once belonged to her Auntie Jesse
She is pretending to be a princess 
Sookie is her horse
I love all of these things because this is what life is about
Meltdowns, Freaking Out, Embarrassment, Pouting, Groundings, Pretending.....
Now.....time can stand still.....
The hourglass is slowing.....
My girl is giggling. 

Monday, October 11, 2010

4lbs of Love

When you were born you weighed a mighty 4lbs......
10 years later and here you are
A true beauty that amazes me daily
I don't know how your Daddy and I got so lucky to have a girl like you
Thank you for making my dreams of being a Mama come true
Since there can only be one baby Smitty born from my loins
I am happy it is you
It is like I won the lottery......