Let's face it trying to live up to the standards of being the perfect Mom is a hard one. Woman are hard on each other, harder than anyone should be....and very judgie I might add (me saying that may be a little bit judgie). Every woman is guilty of it....if they say they aren't they are lying (again with the judgieness). There are millions of woman out there doing their best and that is what it is all about. There are the Moms that read every book out there and design their life around the "experts" advice. I myself am not one of those Moms.
For a long time I felt the Mother of all Guilt (oh you know what that is) because I wasn't planning my child's life around the experts advice. After 10 years of this monkey on my back, I came to the realization that I need to feel my way around this beautiful thing called Motherhood and figure it out as I go. I Mother with what I know how to do, and that is love because that is how my Mama did it. Sure I am normally the Mom that is over prepared for outings (lots of snacks, hand sanitizer, change of clothes, Advil, water, you get the idea). I am also the Mom that goes a little bit (okay maybe a LOT bit) overboard with being my girls biggest cheerleader. I make shirts, I cheer the loudest (even when the principal strictly prohibits the screaming and cheering.....I am the rule breaker), I cry at EVERY event that she participates in, I make the fanciest costumes and stay up at night until I get it just how I think she would like it, and I am proud of her and on her side no matter what.
We do homework until it is complete (even if there are a million and one erase marks on said homework, it has to be done right). We study our hearts out on spelling words and math facts....normally drilling and quizzing before school in the Starbucks line. I am also the Mom that when asked how to spell a word.....I don't tell her, I simply say "Lets sound that out." and when my girl with Moxie says, "Mom, why won't you even help me with spelling a word." I reply, "If I tell you how to do everything, how are you going to learn to do things on your own?" Oh yes, I am that Mom....the Mom that may push too hard, still holds her hand in parking lots (even though I am pretty sure, she is not okay with that) and embarrasses the crap out of my child.....and I am okay with that.
I wished for her my entire life, and there she is......this quick witted, beautiful, smart, gold hearted angel that makes a difference in my life everyday. I just pray that I won't mess up that little spirit of hers with my flaws. Tonight I helped her with her 4th grade algebra for an hour and we rocked it, I felt like we climbed Mt. Everest together. Then we watched Glee and laughed at the football players singing a Brittney song. When I tucked her in with our normal routine (the first line has been said everyday from her birth, the rest changes depending on her Moxiness of the day)....
Me: "Good night baby pop, I'll eat you up I love you so."
Cali: "I know Mom, I love you too. By the way be expecting me in your bed around 2ish...."
Me: "You should stay in your bed, it is much more comfy for you."
Cali: "Nice try, Mom, don't think so."
Me: "Okay, sweet dreams baby cakes, see you in the AM, Home Skizzle."
Cali: "By AM, you mean 2 AM, see you then, love you."
I am not sure if this nightly routine is considered Kosher in any expert book. I am sure that it kicks a**, and I wouldn't change it for the world. Sure there are disagreements and sauciness in the Smitty house, we sure aren't perfect. There are clothes that need to be folded, carpet that needs to be vacuumed, dinner that sometimes does not consist of vegetables, but that is okay. There is Love and you know what the Beatles said.....Love is all you need. True dat, Beatles, true dat.
Everybody's Fine