Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Everybody's Fine

I have been thinking a lot lately about Motherhood.  It is pretty fudge'n hard to be a Mama, that is Fo Sho.  Nobody ever told me that.  They did tell me, that it is hard doing the simple things like potty training, waking up all night every night when they are babies, the terrible toddler stage, etc......what they didn't tell me is how incredibly hard it is to trust that the job you are doing as a Mama is a good one and the children you are raising will grow up to be outstanding citizens who are kind and good.

Let's face it trying to live up to the standards of being the perfect Mom is a hard one.  Woman are hard on each other, harder than anyone should be....and very judgie I might add (me saying that may be a little bit judgie).  Every woman is guilty of it....if they say they aren't they are lying (again with the judgieness).  There are millions of woman out there doing their best and that is what it is all about.  There are the Moms that read every book out there and design their life around the "experts" advice.  I myself am not one of those Moms.

For a long time I felt the Mother of all Guilt (oh you know what that is) because I wasn't planning my child's life around the experts advice. After 10 years of this monkey on my back, I came to the realization that I need to feel my way around this beautiful thing called Motherhood and figure it out as I go.  I Mother with what I know how to do, and that is love because that is how my Mama did it.  Sure I am normally the Mom that is over prepared for outings (lots of snacks, hand sanitizer, change of clothes, Advil, water, you get the idea).  I am also the Mom that goes a little bit (okay maybe a LOT bit) overboard with being my girls biggest cheerleader.  I make shirts, I cheer the loudest (even when the principal strictly prohibits the screaming and cheering.....I am the rule breaker), I cry at EVERY event that she participates in, I make the fanciest costumes and stay up at night until I get it just how I think she would like it, and I am proud of her and on her side no matter what.

We do homework until it is complete (even if there are a million and one erase marks on said homework, it has to be done right).  We study our hearts out on spelling words and math facts....normally drilling and quizzing before school in the Starbucks line.  I am also the Mom that when asked how to spell a word.....I don't tell her, I simply say "Lets sound that out." and when my girl with Moxie says, "Mom, why won't you even help me with spelling a word."  I reply, "If I tell you how to do everything, how are you going to learn to do things on your own?"  Oh yes, I am that Mom....the Mom that may push too hard, still holds her hand in parking lots (even though I am pretty sure, she is not okay with that) and embarrasses the crap out of my child.....and I am okay with that.

I wished for her my entire life, and there she is......this quick witted, beautiful, smart, gold hearted angel that makes a difference in my life everyday.  I just pray that I won't mess up that little spirit of hers with my flaws.  Tonight I helped her with her 4th grade algebra for an hour and we rocked it, I felt like we climbed Mt. Everest together.  Then we watched Glee and laughed at the football players singing a Brittney song.  When I tucked her in with our normal routine (the first line has been said everyday from her birth, the rest changes depending on her Moxiness of the day)....

Me: "Good night baby pop, I'll eat you up I love you so."
Cali: "I know Mom, I love you too.  By the way be expecting me in your bed around 2ish...."
Me: "You should stay in your bed, it is much more comfy for you."
Cali: "Nice try, Mom, don't think so."
Me: "Okay, sweet dreams baby cakes, see you in the AM, Home Skizzle."
Cali: "By AM, you mean 2 AM, see you then, love you."

I am not sure if this nightly routine is considered Kosher in any expert book.  I am sure that it kicks a**, and I wouldn't change it for the world.  Sure there are disagreements and sauciness in the Smitty house, we sure aren't perfect.  There are clothes that need to be folded, carpet that needs to be vacuumed, dinner that sometimes does not consist of vegetables, but that is okay.  There is Love and you know what the Beatles said.....Love is all you need.  True dat, Beatles, true dat.
Everybody's Fine

Monday, September 27, 2010

I know what you are thinking.....

We are Raiders Fans??
Well, yes we are.

Jamesie Pooh is a true Raiders fan. He would marry Howie Long if he could. He has been a fan since he was 3. Really there is nothing more American than football (well maybe there is...apple pie, baseball, freedom, etc....). Marrying James, meant marrying the Raiders. Honestly, not growing up with a role model of a Dad, I didn't have a team to be loyal to, so why not the Raiders? The closest thing to me liking a football team would be the Colts, because my sisters boyfriend liked them when I was in jr. high.....I still like them. BUT, I love the Raiders because I LOVE my husband. As we all know, I have a lot of moxie and me liking something just because my man does, well that is a pretty big thing for a sassy gal like me.

The last time the Raiders came to town, Cali was a baby. I surprised James with tickets, he thought I was the best wife in the world. However, all he kept saying was......it will be so amazing to take Cali to a Raiders game one day. One day came.......

Let me tell you a little thing about my husband, he is sweet and generous. He honestly finds contentment in anything that happens in his life. He is always, forever content. When we found out the Raiders were coming to town, I immediately said we are going. He immediately said....no, it is okay, it is better to watch it on TV. I said we should go almost everyday and everyday it was another excuse as to why it was okay if we didn't go. Well, there are some wedding vows that have to be broken......for instance that "obey" vow.....well that vow can go by the way side when your man puts his ladies before himself everyday of his life and he tells me not to spoil him.

James was sicker than he has ever been the day before the game.  But, dude can rally.  AND rally he did..... on Sunday morning when he wanted to toss his cookies.  Instead he put on his Jackson jersey, his all time favorite Raiders hat and we were off.  Of course, not before telling his girls they looked beautiful, because  that is how he rolls.  Also, I think Calista and myself in Raiders gear is his dream come true.

We stopped to eat at a marvelous Mexican food restaurant that had a wonderful buffet......oh and it had a chocolate fountain.  I almost won the Bad Mom Award by letting Calista go straight for the flowing chocolate....BUT I made her eat real food first.  Then we hit the fountain of goodness.....
Cali helped with the pictures and comments.....

Like I said...Dude can rally!

Let's do some talking about Raiders fans.....they are scary. However, when you are a Raiders fan....other Raiders fan (even if they are scary) will stick up for you and have your back no matter what. Awesome.
 I have to admit....I screamed for Fitzgerald when he ran out...a true Arizonian has to cheer for him.  Even with 100 Raiders fans sitting by you.
Do you see that beer???? That is what caused the fight in the 3rd quarter...the more to drink, the meaner the Raiders fan!
These guys held this flag out for other Raiders fans to take their picture in front of it.  I thought I may get jumped if I took pictures of other people getting their picture in front of the flag.  I stopped with this one.
Oh the last kick...I think we all know how it turned out.
I have to say, that both teams played about the same.
The Raiders just played a little bit worse.
The game is over....and my poor babe looked like this
AND this......
But, this happened and it made everything all better..... 
Yes, she is wearing silver leggings.
Only a true fashionista could pull this off......
Even though they may not be the best team right now, they will always be my mans team AND they are a special kind of a team.
Even the fans are a "team" of some sorts.....you mess with one Raider fan, you mess with them all.
My motto of peace and love for all, went right out the window at this game, oh well.....
We felt the love when we got home and talked all about the game.
Peace Out

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Divine Secrets of the Tea Party Sisterhood....

My blue-eyed girl has been sick with Strep
We dislike Strep
However, yesterday when she woke up she said,
"Mama, can I have some hot tea?"
Well of course I made my poor poor little lady with the sick eyes
HOT Green Tea, infused with Oranges and sweetened with Agave Nectar
She has never "requested" hot tea before
When she had Strep last I made her some
She wouldn't drink it
She did drink it this time
She said, "Make sure you tell Rachel."
Oh I told Rachel Fo Sho!
You see Rachel and her sister from another mister, Heather, have a real live Tea Party
EVERY year for Valentine's Day
Isn't that swell?
We were lucky enough to go this year
I completely forgot to blog about it
It was everything a Tea Party should be
Yummy food, fancy teas, fabulous ladies
(anywhere the Krause and Haskell girls are is fabulous),
most importantly
NO boys
(with the exception of baby William AND Danny Joe, the most handsome black lab around)
Here are some fantastic pictures of the grandiose event
(I think my use of large fancy words and brown nosing should get me off the hook with my work wife for not getting these photos to her in a timely fashion)

Yes, Rachel's eyes are closed, BUT somehow she still manages a PERFECT smile!
Heather and her Auntie
Rachel bossing us around....even at a Tea Party
She is the HEAD of the Party Planning Commission
Sophie, the Belle of the Ball, and her Pearls
Danny Haskell, the most handsome man around
Some of the cutest kids in the world
Do they EVER take a bad picture????
The answer to that question
Kisses to you my green eyed lady!
Until next year.....


Friday, September 17, 2010

Fier, Radieux, Joeux

French for
Proud, Beaming, Joyful
That is what we are
 Lost Dutchman Parade 2010 
3rd Grade Student Council Representative
Courtesy of Jenny Henry-Gelbrich 
(thank you sister)

4th Grade Student Council
Campaign Trail
After making several lists, sketches, and brainstorming meetings 
The fun began
 Sookie patiently waiting and watching her sister hard at work
 Cali VERY politely told her Daddy the poster he made MAY be too "scary"
To take to school......
It is hanging in her room instead
Good try Jamesie Pooh
A for effort!
Her hard work paid off
She can't stop smiling
That is all I have to say about that